BBrilliant Careers
The place to find brilliantblack founded startups
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Black founded startups are looking for you!
There are more black-led startups than ever looking for engineers, designers, creatives and more. Finding quality startups can be tricky... so we're here to find them for you!
Goodbye endless searching
We search- just for you, we vet startups so all you have to do it apply!
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Work where you matter
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Dear black founders,BBrilliant is for you
Know your roles are being seen...
Unlike sites like LinkedIn or Indeed with millions of listings, our more curated audience ensures candidates will see your roles every time they open their inbox!
Your diversity is your strength!
Candidates on BBrilliant are here because they value diversity in leadership when selecting their next role. They're specifically looking for impactful, fulfilling work at black founded startups.
A growing pool of top talent!
BBrilliant actively searches for new candidates, ensuring we reach out to both experienced professionals and students at top universities
Contact us here to list a job or for more information!
Meet The Team
Hi I'm Hugh. I'm a mechanical engineer from MIT who loves building helpful projects in my free time. I'm hoping that you BBrilliant help to give more well deserved visibility to incredible startups from black founders. Whether you're looking for your next role or your next team member, we're here to help!
Hugh D.
Founder & CEO
Rohun D.
CTO & Head of Outreach
We'd love to hear from you!
Please feel free to reachout on email or LinkedIn for any questions, comments on how we can improve, or things you'd like to see added!
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